Arised or Arose: What’s The Correct Past Tense of Arise?

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In English, one rarely finds confusion looking for a word and its past tense. Arise is such a word, which incites the deepest ponderings: Is its past form “arised” or “arose”? Such doubts could even lead to a mistake, making the right usage of the word vital. You are not alone if you have second-thoughted yourself a few times during writing or speaking!

But then again, one of those words doesn’t exist in standard English! Many would assume past tense verb formation is simply adding “ed,” but this doesn’t always hold true. Some verbs operate in an irregular pattern, and “arise” is one of them. So, is it “arised” or “arose”? Time to put this debate to rest! 

Stay with us as we explore the grammar rules behind arise and its correct past tense. We will not only clear the confusion regarding this matter but will even give you some easy tips to remember its right form. By the end of this article, you won’t have to second-guess this word ever again!

What is the meaning of arise?

The word “arise” is usually used throughout the English language to indicate the emergence, occurrence, or development of a situation or event. The meaning behind it is the emergence of something from nonexistence to spontaneous existence. In use: “Problems may arise during the project,” which means that problems may be expected to emerge unexpectedly. However, “arise,” unlike its close relative “rise,” tends to be used in situations that are more abstract or figurative.

The term “arise” is greatly favoured in the register of formal writing and conversation, particularly in contexts clamouring for the emergence of new situations, complications, or opportunities. It differs thereby from “get up” or “wake up,” which involve actual physical movements. Rather, it refers to things that seem to come about in a non-physical sense, such as opportunities, questions, or troubles. For instance, “A debate arose over the new policy changes” implies that the discussion emerged as a consequence of differing opinions.

What’s the correct past tense of Arise?

Statistically speaking, a bunch of people think that “arised” is the past tense of “arise.” But it is really “arose.” English is just full of irregular verbs that do not abide by the rules and take the common “-ed” ending. “Arise” is one of them.

These verbs are the ones that We call irregular because, unlike normal verbs that add -ed to make the past tense for example: talk→talked, walk→walked, arise has its own irregular forms. The past participle of arise is arisen, so it changes in the simple past and past participle. Such verbs would have to be memorized if you want to get mastery over English grammar.

Different forms of verbs

The English verbs can be divided into regular and irregular. Regular verbs form the past tense by adding “-ed” to the base verb (example: walk → walked), while irregular verbs form the past tense differently. “Arise” is an irregular verb; hence, its past form is “arose” instead of “arised.”

In order to have a comparative analysis of the irregularity of patterns, we can have an analysis of “Arise” with other similar verbs:

Base FormPast SimplePast Participle
Drive DroveDriven
Write WroteWritten

Notice how these verbs do not follow the typical “-ed” rule, making them trickier to remember. However, by studying their patterns and using them in sentences, you can reinforce your understanding.

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Examples of “Arise” in Sentences:

  • Conflicts between the two departments arose.
  • The company opened up several doors to opportunities after its expansion.
  • With the recent changes, the new policies became obligatory.
  • During the debate, a key question arose.
  • After the incident, the safety concerns arose.

A historical perspective “arise”

The word “arise” is from the Old English ērāīsian, meaning “get up, stand up, or ascend.” Its general meaning changed over time from the physical sense of rising to also denote the more abstract occurrence of raising issues or situations. The past tense arose follows old patterns of various strong verbs from the Germanic languages.

Old English had many strong verbs that changed their vowel sounds instead of the “-ed” rule for past tense. The change from, i.e., “ārāise” to “arise,” reflects how the word had evolved in both its pronunciation and meaning over the centuries. The study of such changes sheds light on how present-day English has arrived at some of its more convoluted grammatical rules.

Arised vs Arose

Why do we have “arised” in some people’s lists of wrongly spelled words? The confusion comes about, presumably, because of a generally understood formation that adds “-ed” for past-tensed verbs, which adds legitimacy to the assumption that past participles of “arise” should be like those of such regular verbs as “advise” (advised) or “surprise” (surprised) and, hence, “arised.” Unfortunately for that assumption, “arise” is an irregular verb, and hence “arised” is erroneous. 

What surprises most first-language speakers is that “arised” is formed by the “-ed” ending, which should have been for regular verbs in English. English speakers usually tend to erroneously construct the past of each of these irregular verbs by the addition of “-ed”: for example, the present verb “go” is sometimes transformed as “goed,” instead of the standard “went,” which is the correct past tense form; or “eat” being transformed by some English speakers into “eated,” instead of the standard “ate.” Hence arises “arised,” which seems so logical, but remains illogical in the context of regular verb behavior.

Why “Arised” is incorrect

“Arised” is a popular misspelling but never came into being as a correct word. Standard dictionaries or grammar guides do not cite it. You may see it in writing, but it is probably an error or the result of an incorrect understanding of irregular verbs in the English language.

Use of Arise in past tense

If used in a way that needs to express “arise” in the past tense, always use “arose” over “arised.” Here are a few real-world examples to help reflect on that:

Example 1: Via Email

The question on the budget allocation came during the meeting.

Example 2: Through a Formal Report

Several issues arose during the testing phase, requiring immediate attention.

Difference between arise and rise

Most of the confusion between the two verbs tends to arise from the fact that both of them involve some kind of rising or emerging. However, there exist separable meanings and applications, which require to be distinguished for their proper application in both speech and writing.

Rise vs Arise

  • The word “rise” refers to increasing or moving to a higher position, in most cases physically, without support from something else. It describes a situation when something elevates itself onto its own higher ground. For example, “The sun rises in the east.” Here, “rise” indicates upward movement in the sky, unaffected by any external factor. Similarly, “She rose from her chair” indicates that she stood up from the chair by herself. This verb thus signifies movement upward, self-generated.
  • In contrast,”arise” tends to be very general and more proverbial in meaning. It is used to testify to something which crops up or occurs. It states that something comes into being, oftentimes unexpectedly. An example: “After the policy was changed, some complications arose.” The word “arose” here pertains to problems or issues saying that complications arose after the change, as opposed to something that physically ascended. Thus, “arise” in this case pertains to the existence of situations or events rather than the actual movement. 
  • Rise denotes a more physical motion or ascendancy, while arise signifies problems and situations emerging or, in other words, happenings.
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The structure of the past tense

Another major distinction between rise and arise is in the formation of their past tense forms. The verb arise would thus form its past tense as arose, and the past participle as arisen. Arise does not form in accordance with the regular verbs, wherein the addition of the suffix -ed would suffice for the formation of the past tense. The verb arise is absolutely never conjugated in its past-tense form as arised; it is always arose.

For example:

  • “He arose early this morning.” (past tense)
  • “The issue has arisen due to the delay.” (past participle)

The confusing factor comes from the misconception that the past tense of this verb must be “arised”, which is incorrect. The important thing to remember is “arose” for the past and “arisen” in the past participle.

The other-way, the past tense form “rose” and the past participle form “risen” for rise indeed operate under more systematic principles.

  • “She rose from her seat.” (past tense)
  • “The price of the stock has risen.” (past participle)

Even while they seem to be similar in that both arose/rose are sounding familiar, they diverge in their use according to whether you refer to someone or something going upwards physically (“rose”), or referencing the origination of something like a problem or situation (“arose”).

This very difference between the terms “rise” and “arise” will in fact be most useful when distinguishing between them in your speaking or writing. Always make a mental note of whether you are indicating the use of “rise” to mean literally moving upwards or the emergence of something more abstract or situational for “arise.” So unless you want to make a mistake, don’t forget the correct past forms: “arose” (not “arised”) and “rose.” Following these rules, you will gain the confidence to apply both verbs in your writing.

Other words for Arise (Synonyms)

Word choices for ‘arise’ may depend on their context, for instance: 

  • Occur: A misunderstanding occurred between the two teams. 
  • Develop: A strong friendship developed over a long time. 
  • Spring up: They sprang in rumor overnight. 
  • Come up: Another problem came up unexpectedly. 
  • Surface: His doubts came to the surface after the details.
  • Emerge: New challenges emerged in the discussion. 

These synonyms may assist you in indicating various apprentices of “arise” in your writing; however, they may not be interchangeable. For example, “spring up” conveys an informal, dynamic connotation, while “develop” denotes a gradual process as opposed to something that happens suddenly. The choice of synonym for “arise” will depend on the tone and context of the specific sentence.

Verb tenses and irregular conjugations

In English, the form of verbs changes according to tense, person, and number. Regular verbs follow a simple rule of marking the past by adding 

  • “-ed” (walk → walked; jump → jumped). 

Irregular verbs do not adhere to this pattern. Their past tense can change completely, as in 

  • go → went; eat → ate

Some verbs, such as cut and put, from one form to another stay absolutely the same.  

The irregular verbs often descend from older forms of English which survived historical patterns. Therefore, the only way to learn them is to memorize; they are entirely irregular and no one rule governs them. Names of commonly encountered irregular verbs include 

  • run → ran, sing → sang
  • write → wrote 

Such verbs greatly assist in grammar and fluency. Practicing using them in sentences and keeping track of their various forms is crucial for mastering them. Though difficult, irregular verbs are very important for correct English speaking or writing.

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Commonly encountered irregular words 

Irregular verbs break the standard rule of taking “-ed” endings for their past tense forms. Instead, they make unique changes in spelling to denote variation in use. These verbs are important to learn since they propagate the use of its past tense in day-to-day conversations in English.  

Some very common irregular verbs are those appearing with their past tense equivalents:  

  • Go → Went → Gone (The gone school yesterday.)  
  • Eat → Ate → Eaten (She had eaten an apple.)   
  • Speak → Spoke → Spoken (He spoke to the teacher.)  
  • Write → Wrote → Written (I wrote a letter last week.)  
  • Take → Took → Taken (She took a photo at the park.)  

Some irregular verbs are the same in the present and the past:  

  • Put → Put → Put (Put being past of put: She is putting the book down, She put the book down.)  
  • Cut → Cut → Cut (He is cutting the paper, He cut the paper.)  

There is actually no specific rule for the derivation of irregular verbs. So, practicing them as often as possible becomes essential for mastering these verbs. Reading, writing, and speaking in English should help you to better memorize this confusing group of words.

Contextual use of Arise

The verb “arise” is used when something gets up or occurs unexpectedly. It often refers to situations, problems, or opportunities that appear on their own. In contrast, “rise” describes a movement upward; thus, “arise” is more of an abstract concept.

For instance, in workplace premises, you may state, “A conflict arose between these two teams regarding the project deadlines.” Here, “arose” means that the conflict materialized or seemed to happen. In day-to-day life, one would say, “A chance to travel arose and I took it.” In this sense, it means that the opportunity came up unexpectedly.

Arise-a word often used in formal writings. We might read an expression from a legal document stating, “If any issues arise, please contact our support team.” This means that whenever problems happen in the future, please take action. Then in some history book, we read, “A new leader arose during the crisis.” This means that a leader came into existence at a time of hardship.

Bear in mind that when we use “arise,” its past tense is “arose” and the past participle is “arisen.” For example, “A misunderstanding arose yesterday,” and “Many challenges have arisen over the years.”

If you can distinguish when to use “arise,” this will add finesse to your writing and speech. It applies much to describe situations where something develops by itself. Correct use will improve your English, whether in the office, in a casual conversation, or in a formal text.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is arised a correct word?

No, “arised” is not the correct word; “arose”? is the past tense of “arise.”

Is arose grammatically correct?

Yes, it is grammatically understandable for “arose” to mean arising from “arise.”

What is the Past tense of drink?

Drank is the past tense of drink.

What is the difference between past participle and past tense?

Past tense notes that it refers to an action or an event that occurred in the past, while past participle is used with auxiliary verbs to describe a completed action or state.

Is it raised or rosed?

The correct word is raised.

Is it salary rise or rose?

Salary rise it is as rise refers to an upward trend. 

Conclusion: Arose vs Arised

The verb arises, which is to say something coming into being or an act of getting up from a lying position. Example: She arose early in the morning. The word arose is used because it represents an occurrence in the past, whereby arised would not have been accepted: She arised early in the morning is wrong. 

The past participle of arise, on the other hand, becomes arisen, where it is employed with auxiliary verbs such as has or have: She has arisen from bed, this indicates an action completed at the moment of conversation.

So, as a quick summary, remember to say arose when referring to the past tense, and arisen when referring to the past participle. Simply put, “arised” is not a form in English. Getting these forms right will make your English sound more natural and correct. So, when discussing something that happened in the past, keep it simple: arose for the past, arisen for the past participle!

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